You know that feeling when you have a million and one things to do, and you don't know how you are going to get it all done? That's me right now. Laundry needs washing, speeches need writing, room needs cleaning, there are papers to file and deadlines to meet....oh, and bills, budgets, and other fun grown up financial things. I have chicken in the fridge soaking, before I fry it for dinner tonight. I guess that was productive. Overwhelmed and behind, mostly due to a sickness I have been fighting off for over a week now. Learning to prioritize and constantly checking off and adding things to a to-do list has caused a massive headache. I did manage to remember to make the bed this morning, only to mess it up with a short nap. So many things piling up, and trying to squeeze in more, such as exercise and date nights? However, not skimping on my devotional time has been the best encourager to my mood and productivity. Jesus said "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) Really, that verse breaks down everything for me as- what's the big deal? Why are you stressing? And I chug along with baby steps, one check mark at a time, because my Savior already overcame it all.