I've almost been engaged a month now, but I think I have accomplished more in this month than most brides do in 6. We have had engagement photos done, I've bought a niffty wedding planners notebook, I've completed a rough draft of the guest list, I've picked a ceremony venue, and we just started Pre-Marital counseling this week. My poor fiance is such a good sport with all the wedding planning. The whole process has been a fun and memory making experience though! Not stressful at all. Partially because I have plenty of time left (14 months) and partially because I have also been focusing on other things..such as my best bud's wedding, which is THIS June, and I just became a Pampered Chef consultant. My baby sister turns 1yrs old this month and I turned 21 this month. I've been sugared out on Easter candy the past week, and really have completely broken my diet in every possible way imaginable. I've enjoyed my new job at the movie theater, and the free movies has already saved us money on date nights! It's a fun way to save up wedding funds. Next on my to do list....work on getting a tan and back on diet!

Things I have learned this week-

  • I'm very indecisive when it comes to wedding colors. I want a mix of fun and fairytale
  • It takes a week to resize a ring, which I am not happy about, but my wedding diet made it too loose on my finger.
  • You register for your wedding license 30-60 days before your wedding.
  • I can't do a pull up to save my life.
  • Creating a guest list is a boat load of work. Makes a small wedding look remp

I'M ENGAGED! And after 5 days of engagement bliss, I'm still excited! lol We've picked a date, I have our engagement photography shoot scheduled, I'm researching pre-marital counselors we would like to use, and I'm about to get started on our guest list. Pretty good start, I think. I will be updating the website as we progress and have news to share. Also, I start a new job next week at the Theaters, which means I have money to save up for wedding expenses, and I get to see Hunger Games the day before the midnight premier! I'm suffering through this wedding diet, but it's not easy...I want carbs and chocolate, not this horrible green, healthy stuff! It has already started paying off though, because I'm already down a pant's size, so I guess that is motivation. Tomorrow is the first day of spring!